Monday 1 June 2009

Unstopping the well of revival

Praise be to the Author of life!

We have moved! Yesterday we had our first meeting at our new location for our Sunday meetings at the Christliches Zentrum Frankfurt. It was awesome!

We believe that it is important for God's people to demonstrate their unity in spirit, soul and body by establishing their unity in spirit; expressing their unity in soul (mind, will and heart) and exercising their unity, physically (body) by serving one another. Four people covenanted with KLF and we with them yesterday, because of our desire to build God's Kingdom together in spirit, soul and body. We praise God for people who are hungry for God and are committing their lives to live for Him and to build His Kingdom! Hallelujah! You can see pictures of our covenanting here...

The Lord has been preparing us for this new season and our move to CZF. Following a prophetic word given to us by Richard Maybery last year where the Lord said to KLF that we would partake of the well of revival at that very location where revival had taken place in the past; the Lord has opened the doors for us to meet at CZF and has confirmed His will concerning this significant move through Bengt Wedemalm who visited KLF last week (check out Bengt's comment on his visit here...).

Looking at Genesis 26:1-25, the Lord spoke to us about unstopping the well of revival that had been dug in the past. He told us to honour His work in the past and to build upon what has already been established. The Lord showed us that it is because of our relationship to Him as our Father and His Son as our Brother that He is blessing us. As we drink from the well of revival, God told us not to become possessive but to be good stewards of what He blesses us with by giving freely of what we have freely received.

It is as we steward the waters of revival that we will flourish!

In order to respond to God's promise to us, He took us to John 4:1-19 where He confirmed His desire to unstop the well of revival in each of us and in our new location by offering us the free gift of Living Water. The awesome fact about the account of Jesus and the Samaritan woman is that it shows that God wants to bless those who will just believe in the Giver and in the Gift that He wants to release to those who are truly thirsty for Him. Hallelujah!

Following God's revelation to us we simply worshipped the Giver and received the Gift by faith and unstopped the well of revival in the Spirit. Consequently people were saved, filled and released into a deeper level in their relationship with God as they overflowed with God's Spirit and drank from the well of revival! Hallelujah!

These are truly exciting times and we are in awe of what God is doing in us and through us! All glory belongs to Him!

This week IMPACT! (KLF's youth) will be moving to their new location as well and we believe God is going to do a wonderful work through them as they bring His Kingdom to Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen!

Quote of the week:

"Jesus answered her, 'If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.'" John 4:10


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