On Tuesday last week we prayer-walked and worshipped God on the streets of Frankfurt and on Thursday our youth (IMPACT!) joined our two student placements to minister to the poor and needy on the streets and gave them something to eat, prayed for them and simply showed them the love of God. The Lord is blessing our youngsters and Friday's IMPACT! meeting was awesome as our student placements led the meeting and encouraged the guys to realise their identity in Christ. We then concluded the meeting listening to God and encouraging one another with prophetic words as we prayed for one another. Glory to God!

Yesterday we met in a different location to have our New Life Celebration. We praise God for the two planned baptisms and the one spontaneous baptism - the Lord spoke to a lady during the meeting about being baptised and we sensed that God was truly prompting her to be baptised there and then just like the account of Philip and the eunuch in Acts 8! Hallelujah!

The Lord spoke to us about the importance of having a spiritual revelation and understanding of His grace! He showed us that,
- Grace is the supernatural and undeserved endowment of God's love, wisdom and power into our lives. Rom. 5:5
- We need the Holy Spirit to reveal "what God has freely given us." 1 Cor. 2:12
- Stephen (not an apostle), who was full of the Holy Spirit, faith, wisdom, grace and power walked in the supernatural as he "did great wonders and miraculous signs"; had a face "like the face of an angel"; spoke with supernatural wisdom and saw into the supernatural realm of Heaven. Acts 6:3,5,8,15,7:56
- The key to releasing the supernatural is the spiritual understanding of God's grace.
- When we fully understand God's grace, we will produce supernatural fruit! Col. 1:6
- God wants us to stand in the river of grace in which we submit to God's righteousness and not in the river of conditional righteousness where we try to establish our own righteousness . Rom. 5:1,2; 10:3
Looking at Romans 9 we saw that by God's grace:
- We have become "objects of God's mercy." vs 23
- God is making "the riches of His glory" known to us. vs 23
- He prepared us in "advance for glory." vs 23
- He has "called us." vs 24
- We are "His people." vs 25
- We are God's "loved one." vs 25
- We are "sons of the living God." vs 26
We continue to rejoice in God's supernatural revelation to us so that we walk in the supernatural by faith! Hallelujah!
Quote of the week:
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Gal. 5:1
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