When they walk through the valley of weeping,
it will become a place of refreshing springs.
The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.
It's on God's heart that we be a people who change their environment - a people who walk through the place where there are people in need and turn it into a place of refreshing springs; springs of Living Water where people are healed, saved and delivered and where there will be a rich harvest of lives made whole.
Yesterday evening we did our first soup kitchen in the Gutleut church, just around the corner from Frankfurt's main train station. Although we are an English-speaking church, our desire is to build God's Kingdom and so it's on our hearts to minister to anyone in need with His presence, power and love. So everything was done in German, from the worship in song and the message for the people, to the conversations we had with these precious souls. About 60 needy people came - people without jobs, without money, without food, without
clothes, without homes and without hope. The Lord blessed our time together richly as we entered into His presence to meet with Him and hear from Him through His Word. The Lord spoke to us about how significance, security and acceptance are only found in Him and 4 people responded to the Father's invitation to receive His unconditional love and become His children. Hallelujah!
e was a wonderfully peaceful atmosphere throughout our time together and many simply didn't seem to want to leave because they were enjoying themselves so much. Everyone left full - full of food, full of love and full of peace. Thank you Lord! We look forward to the 8th of July when we get to do it all again! The Lord is changing the valley of weeping into a place of refreshing springs!
Quote of the day:
"There is no unemployment in the Kingdom of God !"
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