Monday 6 May 2019

12th Anniversary

Ngozi's amazing fruit basket cake

Glory to God!

Two weeks ago, after a very powerful and intimate time of worship, some of our people presented their art work that they had created the day before at our praise and painting workshop led by Karin. It was wonderful to see how our people responded to God with their paintings and how reflecting on the paintings ministered to us. Richard then shared a message entitled, "Living sacrifice" in which we looked at Romans 12:1 and noted what it means to worship God with our lives. Richard showed us that true worship is about not going astray but choosing to do God's will for His glory (see Isaiah 53:6). True worship is living from God, through God and for God as we respond to God's abiding presence, depend on Christ to be in right relationship with the Father and seek to do God's will as we live holy lives that are pleasing to Him.

Yesterday, KLF celebrated her 12th anniversary! With great joy and excitement our church family gathered together to honour God for His faithfulness to us over the past 12 years. We are particularly pleased that the senior pastors of Kingdom Life Butuan (KLB), pastors Julius and Roszel Regala, together with their children, Yrah Lee and Jonkris could join us from the Philippines. They are visiting us for 3 weeks and will be ministering to KLF at various Life Groups and special meetings.

After a powerful time of worship, our Kingdom Kids performed a beautiful flag dance with Danni, followed by Yrah Lee, who ministered to us in song. Julius and Roszel then shared their journey as a church in Butuan with us and testified to God's faithfulness in their lives. You can listen to what they shared here. It was very moving to hear about the needs and challenges that KLB encounter in reaching out to the poor, the orphans and the street kids in Butuan and Julius encouraged us to realise that everyone becomes a significant part in building God's Kingdom as we serve His purposes together.

Richard then shared a message entitled, "God's good work" in which he showed us that the good work that God began in each of us, in KLF, in KLB, in Frankfurt and in Butuan, He will carry on to completion until Christ returns (Phil 1:3-6; Is 9:6,7). We were greatly encouraged by the messages and responded by declaring God's truth over our lives. It is an awesome privilege to participate in the gospel and to be instruments of God's love and salvation purposes locally and across the world! Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

11.05: "Keys to Transformation" Seminar with Julius Regala and Richard Morschel @ L60
18.05: Praise and Worship Evening at KLF (Eastsite 15)

09.06: KLF Talent Night
14.06 - 16.06: Conference with Edgar Mayer

23.06: Eastsite Celebration - joint meeting with CZF at 10:30 

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