Monday 10 September 2018

Called by God

Glory to God!

As we continue our journey of discovering what it means to live the Kingdom life, the Lord is helping us understand what it means to be the Church and what He has called us to both corporately and individually. Yesterday Richard shared a message entitled, "God's calling" in which he showed us the following:

  1. The Church is God's called out ones (ekklesia). 1 Pet 2:9-12
  2. We are called out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of light to do God's will. Eph 5:8-10
  3. God's calling is both general (that which applies to all believers) and specific (that which applies to each person uniquely). Eph 2:10
  4. God's will or calling for the whole Church is to reach up (to grow in our knowledge of God, to worship Him with our lives and to pray, etc); to reach in (to love and serve one another in the Church and to meet regularly to encourage one another, etc) and to reach out (to be salt and light in the world, to be ambassadors of Christ, to be witnesses to reach the lost, etc).
  5. God's specific and unique will or calling for each believer can be identified according to the following:
  • Gifts: What gifts has God graced you with? Rom 12:6-8
  • Recognition: Do other believers recognise the grace upon your life? Gal 2:9
  • Achievement: Does your gifting produce fruit? 1 Thess 2:19,20
  • Passion: What moves you and inspires you to live for? Col 1:24-29
  • Energy: What energises and motivates you? Col 1:28,29
Be the best version of yourself 
in the power of the Holy Spirit! (Rom 12:3)

As the Church fulfills her calling and each part does his or her work, God is glorified, the Church is built up to maturity and the lost are saved! Hallelujah!


23.09 - 17:00 Special KLF Church Family meeting after regular church meeting 
26.09 - KLF Prayer Meeting at 19:30 at Leipziger Str.60

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