Monday 11 September 2017


CrossWalk at KLF

Glory to God!

As a Kingdom-minded church, we seek to encourage and support ministries in our city and region that are non-denominational and are effective in reaching the lost, making disciples and equipping the Body of Christ to advance God's Kingdom. CrossWalk is such a ministry that organises training, events and missions to help the Body of Christ grow in Christ, encounter God Face2Face and go to the nations with the Gospel. Two weeks ago we had the privilege of having the CrossWalk team minister to KLF as they led us in worship, shared God's Word and the Lord's Supper and prayed for our people. Sebastian Köhler spoke to us about God's call and the things that can hinder our response to following that call such as disappointment with God, sin (living in the past) and blessing. You can listen to his message entitled, "Bleib nicht auf halbem Weg stehen" (Don't only go half way) here. Kaisa Koistinen then spoke to us about our need to have an eternal perspective, to be focused and not to procrastinate. She challenged us to ask ourselves what we are building on earth during the time granted to us that will have eternal significance. You can listen to her message entitled, "Are you focused?" here. We praise God for the work CrossWalk is doing and for the privilege of colabouring with them.

On Sunday we had a powerful time in worship that the Holy Spirit led into a time of intercession in the authority and power of Jesus. The meeting was charged with faith as we listened to powerful testimonies of God's intervention in people's lives and as many brought words of knowledge and prophetic utterances that brought healing, encouragement and conviction. Richard then shared a message entitled, "Only one thing is needed" which you can listen to here. Looking at the account of Jesus at the house of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42, Richard spoke to us about the believer's need for fellowship with Jesus because it is the Father's will (Jn 15:4; 1 Cor 1:9), it is the one thing we should desire (Psalm 27:4), it is the one thing needed (Luke 10:42) and it is the one thing that distinguishes us as God's people as we bear the fruit of fellowship with Christ and carry His peace/rest (Mt 11:28-30), His grace (Heb 4:16), His Word/revelation (Lk 10:39), His aroma (2 Cor 2:15; Jn 12:1-3), and His authority (Acts 4:13). In response to God's Word to us, we spent time in the Lord's presence and were anointed with oil as Jesus ministered to us. We praise God for His tangible presence and for true communion and fellowship with Christ that changes us from glory to glory. Hallelujah!

Upcoming Meetings    

Tuesday from 19:00 - 21:00: Discipleship Group - Leipziger Str.60 (L60) 
Last Wednesday of every month from 19:30 - 21:00: Worship and Prayer Evening  at L60 
01.11: Prophetic Encounters with Ed Traut
Saturday 02.12: Welcome Coffee at L60

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