Image used with permission from Uwe Keller Photography
Glory to God!As we pursue living the Kingdom life, God is showing us the why (motivation), the how (method) and the what (manifestation) of Kingdom living. A few weeks ago Richard spoke to us about the most important question every believer needs to ask himself or herself if s/he desires to truly live the Kingdom life, namely: Is Christ supreme in my life? In his message entitled The Supremacy of Christ, Richard showed us from Romans 11:36 where it is written, "For from him and through him and to him are all things" that when Christ is truly Lord in the believer's life, s/he will live from God, through God and to God. We live from God as we derive our identity, significance and security from God. We live through God as we depend on the Holy Spirit to empower us to live a godly life and we live to God as we devote our lives to God, living a life set apart for His purposes and glory.
Christ is supreme in our lives when we live from Him, through Him and to Him.
In his message entitled, "Who do you say I am?" Alexander spoke to us a couple of Sundays ago from Matthew 16:13-35 and Malachi 3:16 & 17 about the importance of what the believer says since the believer will have to give an account of what was spoken and the believer has the power to change the atmosphere wherever s/he is as s/he releases the truth of heaven on earth. Alexander pointed out that the fear of the Lord is manifested as God's people respond to the revelation of God with their speech, their behaviour and their lives.
God is calling His people to a lifestyle of holiness in the fear of the Lord
as we respond to the revelation of His lordship and holiness.
On Sunday Frances shared a message entitled, "Trust and obey" which followed on from her message given a few weeks ago entitled, "The rewards of obedience" in which she showed us how obedience to God releases the anointing and brings pleasure to the Father. Continuing with the theme of obedience, Frances pointed out how important obedience is to God (John 14:15 & 21); how even Jesus had to learn to be obedient (Heb 5:8,9); how the believer cannot live the Kingdom life without submitting to and following the Holy Spirit; how the believer must be led by the Holy Spirit to make right choices and the believer must learn to hear God's voice, trust Him and obey Him.
"It is God's holy presence, consciously abiding in us,
that keeps us from disobeying Him." Andrew Murray

This coming Sunday Richard, Wesley, Elizabeth, Denis and Jane will be taking part in the Frankfurt Marathon and will be raising money for KLB's ministry to the street children and orphans in Butuan (Philippines).
Upcoming meetings and events
Tuesdays from 19:00 - 21:00: Bible Study - a journey through the letter to the Romans at Leipziger Str.60 (L60).
Fridays from 7:00 - 8:00: Men's Prayer Breakfast at L60
03.12.: Welcome Coffee from 15:00 - 17:00 at L60
5-7.05.2017: KLF's 10th Anniversary Celebration
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