Glory to God!
Yesterday the Lord continued to speak to us about living in the fear of the Lord and this is what He showed us:
Living in the fear of the Lord means:
- We rely on God by living from God to be like Him. Gal. 5:22,23; 1 Cor. 1:30
- We respond to God by living because of God in obedience to Him out of our fellowship with Him. 1 John 1:5-2:6; Psalm 139
- We revere God by living for God and doing what pleases Him. 2 Cor. 5:14,15; Rom. 12:1
Yesterday we also blessed and celebrated the marriages of two KLF couples who got married this past week. The children shared Scriptures with them that the Lord had given them for the two couples and together with the adults we prayed for the newly weds. It was a very special family time and there was much joy in the "house!"
Quote of the week:
“Ransomed men need no longer pause in fear to enter the Holy of Holies. God wills that we should push on into His presence and live our whole lives there. This is to be known to us in conscious experience. It is more than a doctrine to be held; it is a life to be enjoyed every moment of every day.” A.W. Tozer (The pursuit of God)
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