Sunday 25 May 2008

Walking in the Supernatural

God you are so awesome!

This past week has been incredible! On Tuesday evening we invited pastors and leaders from different churches in Frankfurt to join together for a time of worship and encouragement. Richard Maybery, our guest speaker from Cape Town, South Africa, spoke to us about building a supernatural church and ministered to us in the power of the Holy Spirit as we were encouraged and refreshed with the presence of God! God is connecting His church for His purposes in Frankfurt! Hallelujah!

We have been so immensely blessed through Richard Maybery during our KLF Revival Fire Training Days, as he has been equipping us to walk in the supernatural! Over 7 sessions Richard showed us the following:

  1. An introduction to walking in the supernatural
  2. Hunger to walk in the supernatural
  3. Positioning yourself for the supernatural
  4. Breaking through to the supernatural
  5. Developing supernatural eyesight
  6. Your vital link to the supernatural
  7. God's manifest presence

We praise God for showing us how to tap into the "immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine" (Eph. 3:20) according to His glorious riches!

Today the Lord filled the place with people who are hungry for His presence and power. Richard Maybery spoke to us about the "theology of strength in weakness" from 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 and many were mightily blessed as the Holy Spirit ministered to us in His intimate power. Thank you Lord!

Quote of the week:

"For when I am weak, I am strong" 2 Cor. 12:10


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