Monday, 15 October 2018

Kings and Priests

Photo by Matteo Vistocco on Unsplash

Glory to God!

Jesus is God's vision for the Church! As we grow in our understanding of the truth of our identity in Christ both individually and as the Church, we sense the Lord stirring us more and more to reach up, reach in and reach out. Two weeks ago Richard shared a message entitled, "A Royal Priesthood" in which he showed us how our identity in Christ determines our responsibility as believers. This is what he shared with us:

  • Jesus is the highest authority. Eph 1:18-23; Mt 28:18
  • Jesus is our great high Priest. Heb 7:23-26
  • As those who have Christ the King and Priest dwelling in them, the Church is God's royal priesthood. 1 Pt 2:9,10; Lk 22:29,30; 1 Cor 1:26; Rev 1:6; 5:9,10
  • As kings and priests, the Church is called to exercise her kingly authority in Christ and to serve God in representing man before God and God before man. 
  • As kings and priests, the Church has the power to build or destroy.
  • God's royal priesthood is called to build up the people of God but to destroy the works of satan. 2 Cor 10:8; 13:10
  • The problem is that we can misuse the authority and power entrusted to us when we destroy one another and build satan's kingdom! James 3:9-12; Eph 4:29-32
  • God's royal priesthood has the responsibility to be good stewards of the authority, power and intercessory anointing given to them to build God's Kingdom, to destroy the work of the enemy and to pray!
Identity determines responsibility!

In response to God's revelation, we spent time around the Lord's Table to examine our hearts and to confess any cursing of others and dishonouring of God's people, the Body of Christ. It was a powerful time that the Holy Spirit then led into a time of prayer and intercession as we stepped into our authority in Christ as His royal priesthood. Hallelujah!

Yesterday was another powerful time in God's presence as we worshipped Him and made room for the Holy Spirit to lead the meeting. Worship in song turned into intercession as we sensed the Lord breaking strongholds and obstacles in people's lives that were preventing them from stepping into all that God has prepared for them. It is evident that as we realise our identity and responsibility as a royal priesthood that we are going to see more and more people set free, healed and saved in our midst and wherever we go. Tobias then shared a message entitled, "The creative God" in which he showed us the awesome creative power of our God and how He wants us to speak His Word to release His creative power! In response Tobias encouraged us to prophesy and speak God's truth over one another. It was a wonderfully encouraging time as we used our authority to build one another up. Hallelujah!


31.10 - KLF Prayer Meeting at 19:30 at Leipziger Str.60 (L60)
17.11 - Proverbs & Jazz from 18:00 at the Awake Café, Frankfurt
01.12 - Connect Café from 15:00 - 17:00 at L60 for the church and newcomers

16,17.01 - Joint prayer meetings as part of the Allianz Gebetswoche 
01.02 - 03.02 - Prophetic Encounter with André Bronkhorst
14 - 16.06 - Experiencing the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer 

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