Monday 1 October 2018

A Chosen People

 Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Glory to God!

Yesterday there was a real buzz in the meeting! We all sensed that God was setting us up to encounter and experience Him. During our time of worship the Lord began to minister to us and speak to us through prophetic words and impressions. God's presence was wonderful as healing and liberation was declared over people and the Lord began to break chains of addiction, restless minds and the like. Already this morning we received a testimony from someone who received a specific prophetic word yesterday that was fulfilled last night. Hallelujah! God is good!

The Lord is stirring us to all be a significant part of the fulfillment of God's vision for KLF and yesterday, Elizabeth announced that she and her team have started a Kingdom Toddlers group that meets during the service in order to integrate our little ones from the beginning and to expose them to church life and fellowship. It is so wonderful to have the whole church family together in God's presence and for all of us to learn to love and consider one another, even at such a young age.

Richard then spoke to us about being God's chosen people in his message entitled, "You are chosen." Looking at 1 Peter 2:9 and 10, we noted the following:

  • God chooses us. 1 Pet 1:1; 2:8-10; Jn 15:16; Gal 4:8,9; Col 3:12; Rom 8:33
  • It is God's divine right to choose. Rom 9:8-21
  • God's choosing puts salvation completely in His hands. Jn 1:12; Rom 8:30
  • God's choosing us secures our relationship with Him. Rom 8:28-39
  • God's choosing us for His purposes means we are responsible to fulfill what He has chosen us for in the power of the Holy Spirit. Eph 2:10; Jn 15
In response we thanked God for His mercy, for choosing us, for saving us, for placing us firmly in His hands and for empowering us to do His will.

We are excited to announce that Alexander and Natalie have responded to God's call and have agreed to assist Richard and Frances in leading KLF as associate leaders. It was a special and significant time as the church prayed for Alex and Nat and were anointed by Richard and Frances to establish, honour and ordain them as leaders and to recognise the grace that is upon their lives. In turn, Alex and Nat anointed our senior leaders as a prophetic expression of Psalm 133 which God confirmed with an increase in His tangible presence! In response we began to declare God's healing over people and many came forward for prayer. It was very powerful and the atmosphere was electric! People were being healed and filled with joy! Hallelujah!


31.10 - KLF Prayer Meeting at 19:30 at Leipziger Str.60 (L60)
17.11 - Proverbs & Jazz from 18:00 at the Awake Café, Frankfurt
01.12 - Connect Café from 15:00 - 17:00 at L60 for the church and newcomers

16,17.01 - Joint prayer meetings as part of the Allianz Gebetswoche
01.02 - 03.02 - Prophetic Encounter with André Bronkhorst
14 - 16.06 - Experiencing the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

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