Monday 2 July 2018

Our great salvation!

Glory to God!

After such a dynamic and powerful prayer meeting last Wednesday at our monthly KLF prayer meeting, it is no wonder that yesterday's meeting was impacted! There was a real buzz throughout the meeting and we are sensing a greater stirring of the Holy Spirit to move us into a deeper experience of God and a greater level of devotion and commitment to the Lord and His purposes. Hallelujah!

Yesterday Richard spoke to us about "The joy of your salvation" which you can listen to here. In his message, he showed us that if we forget "such a great salvation" (Heb 2:1-4), we can "drift away" and lose the joy of our salvation (Ps 51:12). In order to continue to rejoice in our salvation, Richard encouraged us to remember that we have been rescued from God's wrath by His mercy, that we have been born into a living hope and that we must develop a mature faith that does not depend on seeing but on Him who is invisible (see 1 Pet 1:3-9; Heb 11:1,2, 24-27). In response to God's Word to us, we shared communion together and reflected on the joy of our salvation in Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

This week Richard, Frances, Andreas and Katrin will be travelling to Butuan City in the Philippines. During their 2 week stay, they will be visiting and serving our daughter church, Kingdom Life Butuan as well as serving the pastors and leaders in Butuan and various ministries and churches in the area. It was very special yesterday, as the church gathered around the team to pray for them and send them out in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You can follow their exciting journey here.

08.07 - No Church Meeting   
15.07 - 15:00 - KLF will meet as usual at Salzschlirferstr.15
23.09 - 17:00 Special KLF Church Family meeting after regular church meeting

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