Monday 30 July 2018

Following Jesus

Glory to God!

A few weeks ago Elizabeth shared a message entitled, "The beauty of the cross" in which she spoke to us about God's call for intimacy with His Bride. Using the perfume, Hypnosis and its properties as a prophetic image, Elizabeth showed us how the Lord desires us to be so focused and transfixed upon Jesus that we will lay down our lives to follow Him and deepen our relationship with Him. It is a call to maturity as the Church learns to not only live in the spirit of sonship but also in the spirit of the Bride - in purity, love, intimacy, sacrifice and devotion.

Richard, Frances, Andreas and Katrin have returned from their 2 week mission trip to the Philippines. They had a busy schedule serving Kingdom Life Butuan, leading 2 conferences, ministering at various churches, the provincial jail, and being part of KLB's weekly activities that include ministering to the street children, the children in the local orphanage and the children in the suburb of Ambago. You can read about their trip here. With many testimonies of how God was at work during their visit, Richard shared a message entitled, "Keys to the supernatural" in which we looked at some of the principles connected to seeing the manifestation of God's presence and power:
  1. Miracles happen in a culture of honour. Mt 13:53-58
  2. The supernatural manifests by faith. Gal 3:5
  3. God inhabits true worship. Ps 22:3; Hs 6:2,3
  4. The Church carries the supernatural. Eph 1:19; 3:20
  5. God has made us competent to minister supernaturally. 2 Cor 3:4-6
  6. When we are weak, He is strong. 2 Cor 12:9,10
  7. God is faithful. Lk 11:13
  8. We colabour with what God does. Col 1:28,29
  9. We seek to glorify God in everything. Ps 89:15
These are just some of the keys to the supernatural and we are excited to see what God has prepared for us in this season as we pursue Him and trust in Him. Hallelujah!

On Sunday, Frances shared a message entitled, "Why do you follow Jesus?" Looking at John 6:25-27 and 6:66-69, we noted how Jesus challenges His disciples to recognise why they are following Jesus - to only have their physical and emotional needs met or because Jesus is Lord and has the words of life? Frances showed us how important it is that we follow Jesus and trust in God unconditionally so that our faith and worship are not dependent on getting our emotional and physical needs met (see Mt 6:31-33). We saw how we can miss what God is doing in our lives when we place our needs above simple trust and devotion to God. Frances encouraged us to persevere in faith in the midst of unfulfilled needs and challenging circumstances and to trust our God who knows what we need but is also calling us to deeper trust and mature faith - the faith He commends (see Heb 11). Hallelujah!


23.09 - 17:00 Special KLF Church Family meeting after regular church meeting


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