Monday 16 April 2018

Kingdom perspective

Glory to God!

These past two weeks the Lord has been speaking to us about living from a kingdom perspective. In his message entitled, "Are you a candidate for God's promotional programme?" Alexander showed us how God wants us to move from a poverty or slave mindset and a settler's mindset to a kingdom mindset. Looking at the parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16, we noted the following principles for Kingdom living:
  1. Our reputation as God's children is important. (Prov 22:1)
  2. We should not ignore issues but face them. (Rom 4:19)
  3. We should invest in our relationships to enhance them.
  4. We are to be influencers who know their sphere of influence.
  5. We are to be motivators who encourage others.
  6. We are to be faithful stewards of all that God entrusts us with. (Prov 27:23,24) 
Alexander encouraged us to seek God's wisdom (Prov 16:16) in order to gain a kingdom perspective (Mk 4:10-13) so that we live the kingdom life wherever we are.

Yesterday's meeting was very exciting as God ministered to us through prophecy, healing, impartation and words of knowledge. It is really wonderful to make space for the Holy Spirit and simply follow His leading. Hallelujah! Richard shared a message entitled, "Are you spiritual?" in which we explored what it means to be led by the Spirit as sons of God (Rom 8:14). Looking at the life of the apostle Paul, Richard showed us that to be led by the Spirit is to be governed by the Spirit and that it is those who are governed by the Spirit that are truly spiritual (see 1 Cor 3:1-3). Being governed by the Spirit of God is responding to the leading of the Holy Spirit and being moved by the reality of God and His Kingdom. Richard showed us that the apostle was spiritual (Spirit-led) in that

  1. Paul lived from his new identity in Christ. 2 Cor 5:17; Gal 2:20
  2. Paul acted on spiritual revelation. Gal 2:1,2
  3. Paul depended on supernatural peace. 2 Cor 2:12,13
  4. Paul followed his specific calling. Rom 1:1
  5. Paul lived by faith. 2 Cor 4:13,14
  6. Paul lived in hope, having an eternal perspective. 2 Cor 4:17,18
  7. Paul lived to please God because of future judgment. 2 Cor 5:9,10
  8. Paul lived in the fear of the Lord. 2 Cor 5:11
  9. Paul was moved by Christ's love and sacrifice. 2 Cor 5:14,15
  10. Paul was obedient to God's commission. 2 Cor 5:20
  11. Paul lived from grace. 2 Cor 6:1,2 
As sons of God we are to be led by the Holy Spirit as we follow His leading and respond to the reality of God and His Kingdom in our everyday lives. Hallelujah!

Upcoming Events

25.04 - KLF Prayer Meeting at 19:30 at Leipziger Str.60 
18 - 21.05 Deep calls to deep Conference with Steve Porter
26.05 - Global Outreach Day
22 - 24.06 Journey with the Holy Spirit with Edgar Mayer

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