Tuesday 31 May 2016

Come and drink!

Glory to God!

Faith is the key to entering the realities of God's Kingdom and all that is available to the child of God in Christ Jesus. In these past weeks, the Lord has been showing us what every believer has received in Christ and encouraging us to live in the fullness of what we have received.

In his message entitled, "Do you have a drinking problem?", Richard spoke to us about how a believer's hunger for God can actually be a desire for an emotional experience to confirm God's love and existence. We saw how believers can be waiting for God to reveal Himself instead of living in the fullness of what they have received in Christ by faith. Richard showed us that every believer receives fullness in Christ and is given a new position, power and purpose in Jesus (see Jn 6:25; Col 2:9,10; Eph 1:3; 2 Pet 1:3). Those who live in fullness of life, live their lives according to their new position - their authority and identity in Christ, the power that is within them to overcome temptation and sin and to live godly lives, and their new purpose as those created in Christ to do good works which God has prepared for them to do. God invites every believer to drink deeply from the fountain of life and to live in fullness of life (Isa 55:1,2; Ps 36:8-10).

Faith immerses itself in the reality of God

In our new position as children of God, we have a wonderful new relationship with God as our Father. To live in fullness of life is to enjoy intimacy with the Father and to partake of all the privileges that are ours as God's children. In his message entitled, "The 'Father' you will go", David showed us how children of God have received a new inheritance, have access to the Father, have access to the Father's house, know that the Father wants the best for them, know that the Father's love is constant and that they can expect good things from the Father. David encouraged us to enjoy the privileges of sonship and to gain the Father's perspective concerning His children so that as we grow in our relationship with the Father we will seek to do His will and live lives that please Him.

On Sunday, Richard shared a message entitled, "Huperballo Grace" in which we explored the nature of God's grace: His unlimited, unconditional kindness towards us (Rom 5:17-21; Eph 2:4-9; Titus 3:3-7). Richard showed us that everything concerning God is "huperballo" or beyond the boundary of our understanding and therefore greater than anything we can ask for or imagine (Eph 3:20)! Consequently, we need the Holy Spirit to help us understand the nature of God's grace (1 Cor 2:12) in order to be fruitful (Col 1:6). God's grace is in the realm of His otherness that can only be truly understood by the Spirit. As we looked at God's unlimited and unconditional kindness toward His children, we noted how the choices we make in life are often governed by our limitations (real or perceived). When all limitations are removed, it becomes the person's responsibility to choose what s/he will do with the unlimited resources available to him or her. God's grace releases the believer into the freedom and responsibility to make right choices. Rather than being governed by law, sin, and guilt, etc, the believer is set free to run in the paths of God's commands (Ps 119:32). Hallelujah!

We praise God for fullness of life in Christ and for the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus!

Upcoming meetings and events 

Tuesdays from 19:00 - 21:00: Bible Study - a journey through the letter to the Romans at Leipziger Str.60 (L60).
Fridays from 7:00 - 8:00: Men's Prayer Breakfast at L60
Saturday, 04.06: Welcome Coffee from 15:00 - 17:00 at L60
5-7.05.2017: KLF's 10th Anniversary Celebration

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