Wednesday 11 March 2015

Fulfilling Destiny


Glory to God!

On Sunday we had a very powerful meeting as the Father revealed how precious Jesus is to Him (1Peter 2:4) and how He has exalted Him to the highest place and given Him the name above all names (Phil 2:9). As we treasured Christ and exalted Him together in worship and proclamation, it seemed the room was filled with an awesome sense of Christ's nearness and authority. It was amazing to enter into the revelation of God.

Elizabeth then brought a message on what it means to work out one's salvation, based on Philippians 2:12,13. She showed us how God has placed divine potential within every believer that He calls each indiviual to realize in His power and by His grace. Elizabeth pointed out 3 areas that can hinder the fulfillment or realisation of what God has placed in each believer:

1. Lack of self-awareness - not knowing one's own, unique identity, gifting and calling.
2. Fear of failure - unless we step out and move toward our destiny, we will not reach what God has purposed for our lives. Failure is part of the learning process that enables us to move forward.
3. Lack of passion - we are called to be zealous for God and to be wholeheartedly devoted to His work.

You can listen to Elizabeth's message, entitled Work Out Your Salvation, here.

In response to God's word to us we prayed with one another and encouraged one another to see breakthrough in different areas of our lives.

Upcoming events

12.04 - Bengt Wedemalm at KLF

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