Monday 27 May 2013

Deeper into the River

Glory to God!

God is taking us deeper into the river that flows from His throne (Ps 36:8,9; Ezek. 47:1-12; Rev. 22:1-5). As we grow in intimacy with the Lord and learn to depend on Him completely, He takes us deeper into His river until we surrender all control and allow Him to take us into places that are beyond - "a river that no one could cross" (Ezek. 47:5). It is in this realm beyond that we experience the invisible, exceedingly glorious and infinitely possible reality of God's Kingdom.

As we worshipped the Lord yesterday, the Holy Spirit began to minister to us, touching hearts, healing bodies and filling us afresh with His presence and love. It was awesome!

The Lord then spoke to us about the good news of the Kingdom and how Jesus came to make the reality of God's Kingdom known to man by preaching about the Kingdom throughout His ministry (Mark 1:15; Acts 1:3) as well as demonstrating the Kingdom by healing the sick, driving out demons and revealing the will of the Father on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:9,10). Looking at the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord then showed us what it means to live in response to the Kingdom and to be in this world but not of this world.

Those who live in response to God and His Kingdom are affected inwardly (the believer's inner attitude - Matthew 5:3-6), outwardly (the believer's attitude toward others - Matthew 5:7-9) and by how the world responds to them (the world's attitude toward them - Matthew 5:10,11).

The Lord then showed us the wonderful truth that when we live in response to our King and His Kingdom, the Spirit of Glory and of God rests upon us (1 Peter 4:14). The blessing of God is the uponness of God on the believer (see Numbers 6:22-27; Proverbs 16:15). Hallelujah!

Important dates and events

30.05. - Introduction to KLF Discipleship Training
07.07. - Baptismal Service at 15:00 at Haeberlinstr.3, F-Eschersheim

"'The time has come,' he said.'The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!'" Mark 1:15

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