Praise be to God!
Every week the Lord is revealing a different aspect of His glory to us and yesterday the Father began to reveal more and more of His love for us in our worship of Him and through His Word to us. This is what He showed us:
- The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord was upon Jesus. Is. 61:1; Luke 4:18
- Jesus was baptised in order to fulfill all righteousness. Mat. 3:15
- As Jesus came out of the waters of baptism, the Spirit of God came upon Him and remained on Him. Mark 1:10; John 1:33
- When the Spirit of the Father rested on His Son, the Father spoke His approval and love over His Son. Mark 1:11
- Jesus had revelation of the Father's love before He began His ministry - the work of the Father. Luke 3:23
- The uponness of the Spirit is the seal of the Father's approval. John 6:27
- The believer is baptised into Christ and made one with Him. 1 Cor. 12:13; Rom. 6; Phil. 2:1
- Through the believer's union with Christ, s/he is made righteous and therefore fulfills all righteousness - the believer is made right with God through Christ. 2 Cor. 5:21
- Since the believer is one with Christ, the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord rests on the believer as a seal of the Father's approval. 2 Cor. 1:21,22; Rev. 14:1
- The Father seals His children with His love before they do anything - it is by grace that we are made one with Jesus and are sealed with the Father's love. Eph. 2:8
After receiving this awesome revelation from God's Word, we spent time in the Father's presence, being anointed with oil as a symbol of the Father's seal of approval and receiving an outpouring of His love. Hallelujah!
Quote of the week:
"He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." 2 Cor. 1:21,22
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