Monday 18 June 2018

The Spirit of Victory

Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

Glory to God!

In these past weeks the Lord has been speaking to us about living in His fullness and encouraging us to rise up in His Spirit of victory so that we take hold of all that belongs to us in Christ. In her message entitled, "The spirit of Caleb" Frances showed us how God wants us to walk in the spirit of Caleb. Looking at Num 13:27-14:9, we noted how
  1. Caleb was forward-looking and did not live in the past
  2. Caleb had faith in God and did not give in to fear
  3. Caleb followed God wholeheartedly
  4. Caleb was active and not passive (see Josh 14:11,12)
Caleb is a wonderful example of one who trusted in God and had a different spirit to those who lived in the past and grumbled, who gave in to fear, who had divided hearts and did not act on God's Word by faith. God calls His children to live according to His Spirit, a 'different spirit', the Spirit of victory and overcoming faith. Hallelujah!

Two Sundays ago we met in the Baptist church in F-Eschersheim to baptise 7 new creations in Christ, 7 people who responded to the call to follow Jesus and live for Him. It was a wonderful afternoon as we celebrated the joy of salvation and Christ's victory over sin and death. In his message entitled, "The baptised life" Richard showed us from Gal 2:20 how the apostle Paul lived the baptised life - a life immersed in God and saturated with Him. We also noted that Jesus is the One who baptises in Spirit and in fire (Lk 3:15-18) and that the believer is called to live a life of faith that is not outward and superficial but a life immersed in God that will stand the test of fire (1 Cor 3:10-15). The refining fire of Jesus tests our faith so that we can stand firm in Him and be confident on the day of His return (1 Pet 1:6-9). Hallelujah!

On Saturday we enjoyed a fun day on the Lohrberg as we met for a braai (BBQ) and simply had fun together. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect and get to know one another more as we spent some quality time together.

Yesterday's meeting was powerful as the Holy Spirit led us in worship and into a time of prayer in which He caused us to rise up in the spirit of Christ's victory and take hold of the reality and truth of His Kingdom and what Jesus has purchased for us. Alexander then spoke to us about how the believer is called to to imitate Jesus (Eph 5:1,2) not only as Priest but also in His royalty and kingly authority. In his message entitled, "What do you say in hopeless situations?" Alexander showed us how God entrusts His children with His authority to speak heaven on earth and to call that which is not as though it were (Gen 1:1-3; 2:19,20; Rom 4:17). Looking at Ezekiel 37:1-10, we noted how God gave Ezekiel authority to prophesy over dry bones so that they came back to life and how God wants us to be part of His solution to hopeless situations and circumstances. Following the principles revealed in the account, we learned that in order to decree godly outcomes in our God-given kingly authority,
  1. we must speak in the strength of the Lord. Ezek 37:1
  2. we must say what the Lord says. Ezek 37:4
  3. we must speak to the situation. Ezek 37:5,6
  4. we must speak the things that are not as though they were. Ezek 37:7-10
Alexander encouraged us to stand as children of God in His kingly authority and decree godly outcomes as we prayed heaven on earth! Hallelujah!

Upcoming events and important information

22.06 - 19:30 - Revival Fire with Edgar Mayer
23:06 - 16:00/ 18:30Revival Fire with Edgar Mayer
24:06 - 15:00 - Edgar Mayer at KLF
27.06 - KLF Prayer Meeting at Leipzigerstr.60
08.07 - No Church Meeting 
15.07 - 15:00 - KLF will meet as usual at Salzschlirferstr.15

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