Glory to God!
Yesterday's meeting was brilliant! The house was full and there was great excitement and anticipation with many guests attending to witness the baptisms of 3 of our people. After worshiping the Lord in song, a few of our young people presented an extremely powerful and moving drama of how Jesus took our place to deliver us from the power of the devil and to reconcile us to God. The Lord then spoke to us about how He wants to give mankind His "Coat of Favour" and this is what He showed us:
- God offers us the gift of His favour in Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:4-9
- To believe in Jesus is to be clothed with Christ - the Coat of God's favour. Gal. 3:27
- To enjoy God's favour one must be clothed properly! Matthew 22:1-14
- When one is clothed with the Coat of Favour, one can enjoy the fullness of God's favour! Prov. 16:15
- God's favour means the believer receives God's s.m.i.l.e. - Salvation, More, Intimacy, Love and Encouragment. Eph. 2:8,9; 3:20; 2:18; 1 John 3:1; Phil. 2:1
- Now is the time of God's favour, now is the day of salvation. 2 Cor. 6:2
In response to the Word of God, 3 people gave their lives to Christ and received the Coat of Favour as they were clothed with Christ! Hallelujah!
After a dynamic dance, performed by our KLF children and youth, we listened to the testimonies of our 3 people who were then subsequently baptised. There was great joy and it seemed as though Heaven itself joined in!
Everyone was then invited to stay for our BBQ and we praise God that the weather was fine for us to grill and even sit outside after it had been raining the whole time before! It was a great time to meet new people and for Kingdom Life to bond together as a church family.
Quote of the week:
"When the king smiles, there is life; his favour refreshes like a spring rain." Prov. 16:15
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