Glory to God!
These are exciting times! Mike Vickers is making excellent progress on his Frankfurt-Berlin Cross Walk and the Lord is using him to save, heal and deliver people on his way as well as revive and quicken the churches that invite Mike to minister. The news of Mike's walk has spread like wild-fire and we praise God for using the most unlikely means (BILD newspaper) as well as word-of-mouth to make the Cross Walk known! If you want to follow Mike's progress click here...
Yesterday the Lord spoke to us about how important it is that we depend on Him if we are to be blessed and be a blessing to others. Looking at Ezekiel 47:1-12 and Jeremiah 17:5-8, the Lord showed us the following:
- The deeper we move into the Spirit, the more we must surrender control and self-dependency. Ez. 47::3-6
- To swim in the Spirit is to move from the known into the unknown; the familiar into revelation as the believer is carried by the Spirit and lives in dependence upon God. Ez. 47:5
- When man trusts in himself and man, he seperates himself from God. Jer. 17:5,6
- When man trusts in God and depends on Him:
- he is blessed. Jer. 17:7
- he is like a tree planted in living water. Jer. 17:8
- he doesn't fear when trouble comes. Jer. 17:8
- he always prospers and provides healing for he nations. Jer. 17:8; Rev. 22:2
- he does not worry in times of need. Jer. 17:8; Mt 6:31-34
- he bears lasting fruit. Jer. 17:8; John 15:4
The Lord wants His people to be planted in Him and remain in Him so that He can prosper them and bring healing to the nations!
Yesterday we had another opportunity to minister to the poor and homeless in Frankfurt. We praise God for relationships that are being strengthened and for this special possibility to demonstrate the Father's love!
This week Pastor Richard will be travelling to the Philippines for a 10 day visit when he will be preaching, teaching and ministering to the Church and the Lost on the island of Mindanao. The Lord has connected KLF to a local pastor, Berwyn and his family, and their church, Mabini Christian Fellowship. The purpose of this exciting journey is to not only be a blessing to the people but to also establish what God has begun to do locally and to find out how the Lord wants KLF to build there. You can follow Pastor Richard's blog of his journey here...
Quote of the week:
"...blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Jer. 17:7,8
Jer. 17:7,8
Upcoming and important dates and events:
31 July - 7 Aug: Faith Camp (click here for more info...)
10 - 13 Aug: Arts Festival (click here for more info...)
15 Aug: KLF meets at Baptist church in Eschersheim (Haeberlinstr.3)
21 Aug: Jesus March in Frankfurt (click here for more info...)
28 Aug. : Summer celebration with TPLF in Bockenheim
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